Love bug convergence

Early preparation for the upcoming love bug season

Updated posting 

As you can tell from some of the videos/ pictures.... we are squarely in lovebug season. it is is like love bug apocalypse now in our backyard.

After going out to check on some of the new plants we added I was overwhelmed by a tsunami of love bugs. What the heck was happening?
๐Ÿ”น️Love bug season - a few weeks/months every April to May in most places and is usually no more than a mild nuisance. (we have a second bout in mid to  late summer extending into September last year)
I literally could not got out in my back yard for about a week.
This is fucking ridiculous!

They were never this bad before.

I immediately took to the internet to find a home made short it was an epic fail in the backyard.this recipe only worked in the front yard because there were no dead plants at the time.

What I learned....
Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean its accurate. ( I already know this but the ramifications this time were staggering)
A really bad novice mistake.  Go ahead and laugh! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜

Love bugs apparently not only feed on plant debri but nectar...Yes nectar! So my delicious, homemade nectar for the hummingbird was quickly contaminated with love bugs squeezing their way into the holes for the hummingbirds to drink from. The firebush was overrun with the lovebugs crawling all over the blooms making it difficult for the bees, hummingbirds and butterflies to find any open ones for themselves.

I had unknowingly created a perfect environment by trying to move and replant two plants and then they died, the hubs brought home compost from the dump and I made a homemade spray that seemed to attract every love bug in east Orlando.

I really, really, really... do not like lovebugs.

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