
Showing posts from January, 2020

2020: A New Decade begins in the backyard

HAPPY 2020! Welcome to a new decade bird lovers, birders and birdwatchers!! If your 2019 was a little rough, a little challenging and you are still here for 2020 just shake off all of the negative energy, the past failures and disappointments and puff yourself up for a fresh start. Enjoy the pictures I have taken. 💥2020 calendar will be available for purchase hawk fluffing its feathers on the fence We have garnered the attention of at least two hawks who regularly visit the trees, the top of the pvc pole and the community fence when the birds are making lots of noise in the backyard. Then all of a sudden you see the shadow pass over or hear the screech and the squirrels press low on the wood fence to try to blend in and hold as still as statues. The birds scatter into the nearby trees and telephone poles or simply fly away. We are still learning much about the beautiful and interesting creatures that frequent our backyard. We have learned things like "squirrel