So the woodpecker...

A new month. New adventures in the backyard.
March has begun.
Let's talk about the woodpecker or should I  say woodpeckers?

We now have 2 that visit sometimes at the same time. They seem to favor the copper feeder but will also land on the dragonfly tube feeder. They announce their arrival with loud almost bark like sound. Pictures on Twitter @thebitboproject and IG @thebitboproject
You can also see them on our LIVE feed at

Is it just me or do the woodpeckers kind of sound like little yapping dogs.

They have gotten a little more used to me and I  have been able to step outside of the patio and take a few pictures. I swear it seemed like it was complaining about the food being  low one morning.  Due to budget constraints, some health issues and recently falling,  I only fill the PVC feeders about once week,usually around trash day. It requires dragging out the ladder because of the height. A few days during the week, I  fill the other feeding stations and put seeds along the bricks in the backyard.  When the seeds are all eaten, it is interesting to see the birds hopping from brick to brick checking for seeds.
I purchased a woodpecker seed cake and metal cage but the squirrels made short work of it and I never saw the woodpecker even go over to it.

Then, I recently purchased a suet cake feeder made specifically for woodpeckers.  It's the second day and although birds have been landing on it, the woodpeckers don't seem particularly interested in it.I filled it with a no melt suet cake with mealworms for woodpeckers.  I also filled the double sided suet holder with berry and peanut no melt suet cakes. The squirrels don't even seem to be interested. Correction,  upon closer look this morning they have managed to eat one whole side and are working on the other other.

I love seeing the woodpeckers at the feeders and on the nearby trees. They are such beautiful birds

I am an amateur photographer and novice birdwatcher
thanks for reading

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