Can you sparrow a little more drama?

After a trip to the doctor's office, I come home to see that a flock of birds  descended upon the feeders in the backyard. I believe they are sparrows. I watch them for a few minutes before deciding to see if I can video them. You can see the video on my twitter page @thebitboproject

So much activity happens outside of the POV of the pvc feeder camera and hummingbird bush feeder camera.

Its amusing to see that even with all of the food available the sparrows and what looks like a Carolina Chickadee, still squawk and fight. The mourning doves land regularly on the camera.

As you can see in the video the difference in the firebush area is markedly different. the current feeding area is being moved over a few feet which caused some loss of plant life and a small bout of sadness as I was unable to replant the very thriving bushes to other parts of the yard. The gardener and plant supplier had mentioned a successful transplant was a tremendous undertaking once the plants were established because of how deep the roots go. I tried anyways but could not get enough of the roots out to keep the two plants alive.

Habitat update- as of 10/10/2019
As of today I STILL don't have the plants that I ordered from Gardening Direct, even after contacting them by email (it has been over a month and while I have received their magazine, the beautiful brightly colored, flowering, nectar producing flowers I was hoping to obtain and establish so we could keep the few hummers we had are MIA. Tomorrow will be a week since I contacted them. Fingers crossed I don't have to ask for a refund. I really wanted those plants. But I must admit my initial happy anticipation has diminished greatly.

QOTD: Have any of you ordered your flora, fauna, bushes, seedlings or flowers from this company Gardening Direct and if so, are you in a southeast state or zone 8-10 area and did you have a good experience with them? Would you recommend any other nursery?

#birdfeeder #birdfeedingstation #birdsinthebackyard #wildlife #urbanwildlife

I am rational enough to know I can only provide so much. Responsible enough to realize that the convenience of having access to closer businesses means loss of natural habitat. Compassionate enough to care. Just crazy enough to try to do something about it. A tree starts as a tiny seed. 

My backyard bird feeding station. A work in progress. You can read more about why I started this project here

Urban sprawl, the city hits the suburbs, growth, city expansion, road widening = loss of natural wildlife habitat. Join us by adding a small bird or hummingbird feeder to your yard to help supplement the nutritional needs of our feathered, winged and flying friends

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